I really enjoy getting emails such as these posted below, as it gives me a chance to help fill in the gaps of knowledge between all the formal written articles and the stuff still clogging up my mind, and of course the best part = I get to do a lot of new (to me) research.
BUT: Here is the deal with the beer stein questions folks:
Don’t ask the questions . if you don’t want to hear the answers!
A quick summary of the “subjects” of questions found below – ONLY ON PAGE 1:
[1] Hi, I just bought a regimental beer stein from an old man who said he has owned it for over 50 years. I didn’t buy it as an investment but because I found it unusual. It is an Infantre Artillerie Jager oder Pioner Alle Trinken Gern Das Bier dated with 1902 /1904. It has a crown on the lid. What makes it unusual for me is the Bavarian Lion has a Stanhope crystal in it. The photo of the crystal is of a man standing in a doorway looking at a woman and it looks like another photo of two people in a boat. The words written across the bottom of the photo say Andenken an Munechen. It looks like there may be words at the top of the photo too.
[This photo of the thumblift with its “Stanhope” was supplied to me later.]
Can you tell me if there were many steins made with the stanhope crystal? Or was it put on by the owner at a later date? The crystal is [in] place so that the stein has be held in the left hand to view the crystal.
Thanks J.A.
Hello J A, and thank you for emailing me.
“It is an Infantre Artillerie Jager oder Pioner Alle Trinken Gern Das Bier “ = [1] This is a saying and not a unit designation. I suspect you have a Bavarian Infantry stein. Might I have a photo or two please?
[2] There are no real statistics how many original Reservist steins were made {&}
[3] There are no statistics as to the number of stanhopes in Reservist steins that were made. To my knowledge they were not offered as an option until after, say 1900. Which only leaves about 14 years of production for steins to have them at all (before WWI started and the custom for ther most part died out.)
I am going to make a “swag” and say maybe only 1 percent of the steins made after that date [1900] had them installed. The reservist had to pay extra for those to be mounted (as probably in your case is in the Bavarian Lion’s head.) To find them intact and not with the just an empty hole where they were is a bonus for your collection. Many a later day owner has ruined the Stanhope’s visibility by washing the stein or somehow getting liquid (beer?) on the photo, or simply dissolving the glue that held the pieces of glass together. It is not uncommon to find them turned sideways. I have one in an Eisenbahn (military railroad) stein where one must turn the stein completely upside down to see the photo, of the changing of the Guard in Berlin.
Hope this helps, send me a photo? Steve
Hi Steven (sic),
Thanks for the quick response. I have attached the photos I took some of every side. I made the resolution at 200 so you can get a close look, so I will include them in two separate emails. I have written the Stanhope company to see if they can give me an idea as to when this Stanhope was made. The bottom of the stein has no markings on it.
I am a jeweler and can tell you that the Stanhope was set in the lion by a jeweler. It was drilled and then flushed set using the existing metal. The stein itself has ware on it. Some of the paint on the handle and around the base has worn off.
I can feel the paint of the solders and the white dots on their uniforms. Warm Regards,
Additional photos:
Well young lady, I will try to put a few things in perspective for you:
[A] Infantry Reservist’s steins are the most common of all the military designations found on Reservist steins made in Germany.
[B] Bavarian Infantry steins are the most common of all the various German State’s Infantries. The Bavarians like their Service Stein souvenirs much better shall we say then the Prussians. That is because they drank more beer! That is a well known fact!
However , If you (anyone) were to want to buy just one Bavarian Infantry Reservist steins, it would probably be this one! Besides having the Stanhope intact (as discussed earlier), the owner “Hornist Fink” was a member of the Life Guard Infantry Regiment who duties mostly consisted of guarding the King and Queen of Bavaria. The pewter crown finiial on the lid is an indicator of this unit’s status. The rest of the unit designations says: 7th Company, stationed in Munich, 1903-to 1905. (The saying on the Stanhope says essentially ” In memory (souvenir) of Munich.”
AND as his title pronounces, he was also a “Hornist” (Bugler.) There were only two Buglers in each company, along with one drummer. When all were placed together they formed, what we would now call the Regiment’s Drum and Bugle Corp.
There is a very interesting side scene on the left side of all the buglers marching while bugling together. This scene is seldom seen! The other side scene and the front’s (the barracks, etc) are stock scenes and are on almost all other Infantry steins.
So to re-cap; while your stein is: [1] a Bavarian Infantry; it is: [2] named to the Guard Regiment, [3] named to a bugler [4] has a very interesting side scene [5] the lithophane is in great shape, with no cracks from coins or keys being dropped onto it over the years (very common), AND [6] it has a viable Stanhope in its thumblift!
As said often in this hobby: “You can’t beat beginner’s luck!” Enjoy, and thank you for contacting me. Steve
[2] Steve,
This silver mug, peg tankard is on sale on eBay for over two thousand dollars. What are your thoughts about it, in general?
Thanks for your help,
Dear Mrs. P.W-B.
Thank you ever so much for directing me to that eBay offering.
I think this is a great example of: WHAT NOT TO DO TO ANY SILVER STEIN / MUG / OR FOR THAT MATTER, ANYTHING!
I am assuming the eBay seller got this piece in this condition and is not the party responsible for almost destroying whatever value it had as an antique drinking vessel. It has been scraped and polished (and over polished at that!) by a machine, and not hand done.
It is unclear but I think the dark “anfang” background was applied when the stein was being produced. But if not, then all the decades of oxidation that formed the background on the feet’s anfangs . and the contrast differentiation on the lion resting on the balls, has been destroyed. In other words; either way it was done, it is a mess!
I know several excellent silver-smiths and jewelers who do repairs but I am uncertain any of them would touch this piecc to try to correct the coloration defect.
And oh, by the way, the “mug’ is most likely Danish and not Norwegian. Several very close examples of that style of lion with paws resting on the ball (used as the piece’s foot support) vs. a lion holding the ball, are pictured in the book “Old Danish Silver,” [by Gudmund Boesen and Chr. A Boje, Hasssing Publications, Copenhagen, 1949.] While the eBay seller says he doesn’t know how old it is, a couple of pictures of very similar designs to this anfang design are dated 1717 (Ill. No. 23) and circa 1760 (Ill. No. 32.)
If you are not an ‘absolute stickler’ on condition, like my friend and fellow stein collector in Pittsburgh is (whose initials are “Stephen E”), then you may want to act on these words provided to me on occasion by another collector friend, name of Dougie, who says: “It’s only money, Smith!”
Happy collecting,
[3] Hi Steve,
I read a lot of info on your very informative website – what I have been searching for all over the net is to find out the answer to the question below.
What does 92% Sterling German mean on a beer stein? There is also a stamp of an angel and the stein nearly weighs 1 kg. – Ive not read or seen silver items with % signs on them before.
Here is a pic altho because it belongs to an acquaintance I cant remember what the words under the angel say. She was thinking of selling it to me but I don’t really want to buy it if it is only silverplated – she picked it up from a yard sale.
Any info would be great if you have the time and inclination.
Thanks “L”
Well Ms. L,
“Sterling” means .925 silver, or .925 /1000 pure silver (the rest is copper.)
I originally assumed the Germans just left off the last “5” for space requirements on that little stamp. But after looking at the photos for a bit longer, I’m not certain that is the case at all.
I think, after looking at the photo more, the reason the stein looked a lot like a pewter stein to me, more than ‘white’ silver with a “Butler finish,” is that it probably is pewter!
The photo of the stamp is very unclear/ hard tlo read, BUT the 2nd bottom word looks like a fancy “Zinn” to me – which means “pewter” in German.
This will be the “deciding factor” so please check the wording when you see the piece next — with a magnifying glass!
This thing (style and metal tone) just doesn’t look like silver to me! The word “Sterling” [?] at the top may just be a misleading manufacturer’s “product name,” used to suck peoples money out of their pocketbook. That word is very hard to see and I’m not certain it is “Sterling” at all!
The 92% very well might mean the pewter is “92% lead free.” Most Germans have lately been using 95% lead fee as a selling point, but again, this whole thing is probably a word / number ploy against the use of the numbers of “.925 & Sterling.”
In any case I do not believe the stein is very old, I’m thinking Circa 1970’s at max.
I will be awaiting your further findings. This has been interesting example to try to figure out. Thank you so much for sending it.
Hi Steve
Thanks for all the trouble you have gone to – to nut this thing out.
It turns out that my friend’s acquaintance ended up listing it on Ebay – with the same 2 pics that I sent you. Therefore you could peruse more photos than what I sent you.
I have been buying old sterling english and US silver pieces on Ebay and thought it a bit strange that this could possibly be pure sterling – I think even the seller is aware that it possibly is not altho the bidding price is rising.
So Im glad you stopped me from bidding! altho I thought I was going to be offered it before auction – but Im glad I didnt jump in. I know that German silver isnt necessarily pure silver as I bought an item with g silver and all it is is silverplate. So I was suspicious to think that they would use pure silver for a stein.
I dont care if things are old or not if they have the silver value in them. Last week I went into a secondhand shop and bought 2 large silver goblets for $10 the pair – I thought maybe I had bought a dud even tho it said stg sil on the bottom. Took it to my silversmith brother and wow – each goblet is 250grms each of sterling silver so combined they areat least worth $500 in weight and if you count the silversmith who is from my home town it could add value to it
.The same pair recently sold in my town at auction for $787 – thats nearly $400 each. Anyway Im only stock piling silver as an investment.
So thanks so much for your expertise. – Even tho the seller is asking for info – I dont think they would want to share it if it proved that the stein was probably pewter. Here see for yourself.
Thanks again – its much appreciated. Lisa
Hi Lisa,
After looking at the eBay photo showing the inside of that stein – I am 150% certain it is pewter now!
And far be it for me to tell eBay sellers what they have. I did do that in the past when I first started doing eBay, and many times got my arse ripped off verbally; called names that questioned my parent’s marriage status; but mostly just got ignored.
Lots of crooks out there on eBay my lady. And the ebay monkeys couldn’t care less.
And as we beer steiners say jokingly here in Virginia: “The emperor eats caviar!” (caveat emptor!)
Thanks for the reply, Steve
And a few minutes later: FRIELING (not Sterling.)
I’m seeing this much better & just found this listed on eBay along with many others.
So after a little though I decided to inform the seller. See sequence below – “C”
[4] Hi Steve, you have a great site.
I inherited this stein thru my family, think it belonged to my Austrian grandmother, from what I’ve seen online it’s maybe a Theresienthal — will never sell it, don’t care about valuation, but wondering if you can offer any back history or symbology about it?
Thank you!
Hello, I am starting to work on this request. The symbolism on this one could go one of two ways – and at 180 degrees from each other .BUT – I would like to know if there is a baby’s face shown wrapped up in the middle of whatever the male Angel is carrying in his arms (it is not visible from the angle of this photo) and there appears to be two small black eyes?
Well hello Stephen, and thank you so much for your reply! I do agree, what images the stein has offered have always seem to be diametrically opposed.
No, the angel (I am guessing boy) in white suit is not holding a baby, it appears to be a box of white flowers/ribbons. will send some other close ups in another email, just taking pix now
it’s always baffled the family, and since there is an 18-yr gap between me and my siblings alot of family history was lost before I arrived (I’m 49 now); my 67 yr old sister believes it belonged to our Austrian grandmother, whose ‘gypsy’ travels may have taken her into Bavaria, and she was known to like a beer or two or three or four . we assume it came to America when she immigrated from Austria to Ellis Island as a young woman, but have no real records or proof of what she came over with . I (sic) ram (‘bock’) on top I guess implies something having to do with spring beer, but the rest of the images have always vaguely suggested both/either a wedding or a funeral (to me!) and/or a heavily religious/Catholic symbolism . good beer is heavenly, but a symbolic relationship? go figure .
[& more later]
Sounds like this stein is proving an int’ng challenge . I do hope you are enjoying yourself! This is what I know:
She immigrated to the US on the ship Zeeland from Antwerp, Belgium in 1905 with two sisters, married here, went briefly back to Europe with some of her children and then ret’d to the US. There is no documentation of her marriage, but overall she and Frank Knespler had 11 children together while living in Brooklyn. Whether she had other children, or lost children, while back overseas or while here is unknown .
My “visual” assessment, in several parts:
[1] Re: the stein’s lid: My good friend and fellow stein collector, James Sauer, says in one of his many articles: “JEWELED LIDS ~Myths and Superstitions.”
“A bright green crystal represented the green emerald, to which was attributed the special power of maintaining fidelity and faithfulness in lovers, only to lose its color when the trust had been betrayed and broken. The gem abolished evil spirits into the night, and strengthened friendships as well. I would think this last application would apply to your stein.”
[&] In German symbolism, a representation of a deer (in this case a chamois) that is given to someone who is not a hunter, symbolizes love and affection. The animal painted on your green glass lid is a “Chamois,” and not a “Bock”!
Chamois, a small member of the deer family that lives on the mountains of Europe.
They can be found in the Austrian Alps (which make sense why it is on the lid, given your G-mom was from there.) The chamois is a goat-antelope species native to mountains in Europe. Chamois live at moderately high altitudes and are adapted to living in steep, rugged, rocky terrain.Both males and females have short, straight horns which are hooked backwards near the tip. In summer, the fur has a rich brown color. Distinct characteristics are a white face with pronounced black stripes below the eyes, a white rump and a black stripe along the back.
[2] Re: the stein body’s painting: The little white enameled figures are called “Mary Gregory style” BUT only here in the USA. “MG” was a woman who was supposed to have painted similar figures at a glass firm here in New England. It turns out, it / she is all bunk!
This type of white enameled decor of course was done throughout Europe and Theresienthal glashütte did lots of it. Also of interest here is the feet on the older European pieces are [most] always turned sideways; as shown on the beakers in the photo below. On later day white enameled reproductions, most of the artists never picked up on that fact.
[3] Now a little about “Death Memorial Beer Steins”:
Above from the: S M & T collection “From Which To Drink”.
Bohemian engraved clear glass steins given to families as death memorials have been know to some of us glass collectors for some time, although to my knowledge nothing has ever been written / published about them before this small notation. These death gifts to the family suffering the loss were very popular in the early 1800’s. One can see on the 2nd stein from the right, there is a small /male’ angel holding a memorial verse = “In Memory (in German.)” The others show monuments or large funeral urns, etc ., most with some type of engraved small saying.
As Bohemia was part of the northern Empire in 1820- 50 it figures that the practice carried on into the south too. To my knowledge it is not know to have occurred much in Bavaria or the rest of Germany. Therefore, on your stein, the male angel carrying the bouquet of flowers and with the lid meaning what it does; these all indicate to me a death memorial.
Due to the dates involved, the stein is Circa 1885 and I do believe it was made by Theresienthal; and you said she left for America in 1905, is it almost a certainty that the stein was given to your grandmother before she came to America, which is why she would have thought it was so very important.
I’m thinking maybe it was given to her mom at her father’s death (men of course dying earlier having to put up with you women for so long!) So I think this very well might have been your great grandmother’s at one point. “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!”
[5] Hello Steve,
I am trying to get more info on some Swedish steins that were handed out by king gustav or oscar of sweden. I inherited them from my long time boyfriend. He said they were very rare. The king handed them out and most have been destroyed. I am thinking maybe it was even their 30 year war? They are very old. Any info would be fantastic.Thank you, C. P.
Hello Ms. C. P. , and thanks for emailing me.
I’d be glad to try to assist you in your quest. I would however like a little more help:
[1] On the bottom of both of these steins, there should be a letter and a number impressed into the pewter. I can’t make them out from your photos So I’d like both of those – & you don’t have to try to photograph them –just write them down and transmit.
[2] Can I get photos of the lids, from above ?
[3] Can I get a photo of the other side of the stein that has the “wrigglework” design on it.
[4] Can you tell me why those lids are not sitting flat on the body? It is very strange to see both of them up in the air somewhat.
I had to wait for my daughter to send better pics. I left them giant sized. Thanks much, C
I had to send all 4 of the sides. I can’t remember which ones I sent before.
I had to wait for my daughter to send better pics. I left them giant sized. Thanks much, C
No problem can you tell me why those lids are not sitting flat on the body? It is very strange to see both of them up in the air somewhat. Steve
No, for some reason, she opened them.
Hello again,
I’m okay on the lids being open – here’s what I “think” so far.
[A] About the squat, straight-sided stein:
The one was made in the City of Gävle (by the mark = G under Crown, on the bottom) in the year 1842. [N4 = also stamped on bottom.] The pewter-smith (by his 2 “CW” marks on the bottom) was Carl Gustaf Wigholm, Master 1833 – 1866.
Unless it says (in Swedish) on the front cartouche, “presented by” it most likely was never given as a present by the Swedish King at the time – who was Charles XIV John (Karl XIV Johan), Ruled” 5 February 1818 – 8 March 1844 ; (even given the XIV – and the rest was not visible in the 2nd round of photos.)
The royalty most likely would have given silver or copper presentation items, the two most expensive metals at the time, not lowly pewter. There are always some exceptions to this rule (?) that I have found in 40 years of collecting and that is explained on my web site: http://www.steveonsteins.com/two-european-imperial-beakers-11-1-x
It is also very highly doubtful that even if it were a present made of pewter, that it would have been made in Stockholm, the Capitol of Sweden, and not in Gävle which is 106 mikes away!
In that day and age the Europeans relished acknowledging their heredity rulers, by having souvenirs with the ruler’s name or initials. Later they had / used photographic representation of them. Old pieces sometimes take on a “life tale” of there own, usually provided by some older family member who has forgotten almost all of the original details. Your pieces were certainly never given by any of the Kings Oscar(s) or Gustav V & VI who ruled later. Why would they give a present with someone else’s name on it ?
[B] Now about the baluster shaped stein:
This one may not be as sought after, given all the re-attachment of the body to the base (condition is everything in antiques) but it might be a bit older, just based on its shape and the handle’s end, but I’d like a confirming mark.
If there no date letter / number on the bottom – only the three crowns on the shield, on both of them which by-the-way is for the lesser Coat of Arms for Sweden .
SEE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Sweden)
please have your daughter look under the lid, as it should be marked somewhere!
I also can recommend a great modern day pewter-smith who might get this piece looking presentable again, at usually what I would consider a fair cost. But if that is lead solder, David may not even want to mess with it -as it will melt and run. Old solder is very hard to work with and most needs to be scraped off.
From my site: ** PEWTER REPAIRS. **
As requested before, photos of the lids, taken from above, might be helpful also, especially if there are medallions on the lids.
I am going to visit my daughter. I will get a pic of under the lid and e mail it when I get back at the end of the week. (Early June-2011
Steve’s note: No reply back, ever.
[6] Hello, my name is K L ,
I have been trying for a few years to identify this stein i have from my godfather,It is unlike anything i have ever seen, imnot sure if it is crystal or cut glass, it has a 12 point star on bottom. A antler top with a crown and initials i think to be A or L or bothon top. i saw a photo of yours with a antertop (sic)that looks a bit like mine, however the crown has me thrown, My godfather (Kenneth Backstrom) was an antique dealer and this is one piece he could never identify, Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have attached a couple photos. Im sure alot of people bother you and if i am Im truely sorry, I just have no clue where else to look. Thank you for your time in reading my email. Sincerely, K.L.
The stein
Later close up of lid
Hello Ms. K, Given what little I can see on the photos provided = with the Prussian Royal Crown http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prussian_Crown_Jewels , and the A / R; I believe the cypher carved on the lid was made to celebrate Augusta becoming Queen of Prussia = “Augusta Regina.” 18 January 1871 – 9 March 1888 Her Imperial and Royal Majesty The German Empress, Queen of Prussia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augusta_of_Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach#German_Empress The stein itself certainly falls within those dates for being manufactured. If you think this could be incorrect perhaps you could provide better photos?
Thank you so very much for informing me about my stein, that sure does make sense to me, I would like to send you better photos, I’m in the process of taking them, if you don’t mind. I’ll send a couple your way, or i can post them to my Facebook page. I have had this for atleast 15 years, My godfather was an avid collector. He even had his own little shop. I have a couple interesting pieces ivebeen trying to find out about. and i thank you for helping me with this, this and my blown glass cane (over 6ft long) being my 2 favorite pieces. Forever greatful, K. L.
Hi, send away, I do not use “Face Book “- sorry — all I can do to keep up with this machine and its emails. Steve
I really hope these are a little better, i only have my phone to take photos with at the moment, im in the middle of a move and all stuff is packed away. Thanks again for your help. Are there any stein weekend plans for the Philadelphia area in the near future? K.
I was wondering how i may go about cleaning it. Its awful dirty looking, Any advise? K.
Hi Ms. K.,
Cleaning advice: It is made of deer bone and therefore porous [!] therefore you don’t want to use anything that will leave a reside down in the capillary holes. So use a very soft toothbrush and nothing stronger than Windex.
Rinse under the (kitchen?) spout with luke-warm (sp?) water. Use one of those plastic basin dish rinse containers – I don’t know what you call it – underneath it, just in case it slips from your hands.
Re: your question on stein weekends. There is a Penn. Chapter of Stein Collector’s International (The Pennsylvania Keysteiner’s) that has it’s home base mostly around Harrisburg, with meetings sometimes as far east as Allentown. They have one day meetings every three months.
They are planning on having a 25thAnniversary weekend in November in Harrisburg = stein lectures, food, beer stein sales, and a good time, also great catering by one of their member families. This is for the most part a great set of people. I belong to this chapter also and go there about once a year from Virginia, where I live.
For info contact “Martin Estep” at: keysteiner@comcast.net keysteiner@comcast.net
If you want the full blown convention thing – go to Providence in July for SCI’s annual convention . see details: http://www.steincollectors.org/
The photos were better, thank you, and I still think that lid is for Augusta.
[7] Hi steve have enjoyed looking at your site .i appreciate you
don’t do valuations but would be pleased if you could tell me anything
about this piece .it has a triangular pottery stamp & is incised “made
in germany” thanks Alan.
Hello Al, and thanks for the email. I’m glad you like the site .
The stein is made by Gerz, a big and long time German stein maker. Sometime around 1912.
See: http://www.steinmarks.co.uk/pages/pv.asp?p=stein1
The stein’s pottery relief scene is know as “The Brownies,” based on those little guys (sort of like gnomes, but not !) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Brownies [&]
When found in excellent condition it is a somewhat sought after stein. I think it would be about a 4.2 or 4.3 on the “Smith-Paratore rarity scale” = http://www.steveonsteins.com/rarity-scale-for-beer-steins
[8] 2011/06/01 at 6:10 pm (from the web site)
This a really great piece! Was wondering if it for sale or where I might find more of these. I had never heard of them before and I have a friend that’s into ceramics, and thought that this would be a great birthday present. Mike
Mike, Thanks for the email. The best source for these mugs that I know of is eBay. Just enter “puzzle mug [or] puzzle jug.” I just checked (6-1-11) and there are about 8 under ‘puzzle mugs’ and 16 under ‘puzzle jug.’ Hope this helps.
[9] Hi there
My son is an avid stein collector. He asked me to find out who the maker of this one is. I am clueless. Looks like signed Traub with numbers. It is ruby red with a deer in a forest. Just wondering if it rings a bell with you. I have referred him to your website as well.
Any info would be appreciated, M in new jersey.
Hello “Jersey M”
The stein is of newer vintage, say Circa 1980, but still a nice one to have, and of quality workmanship. The engraving is nice and the pewter mounts are of good quality. I am afraid I’m not 100% certain of the name of the German glas hütte. Perhaps it was “Rimpler Kristall”, a glass firm making stained cut glass steins in the old manner. Very good quality. Now located in Theresienthal, Germany.
They were originally found with paper stickers. I almost bought one of these myself many years ago in the large flea market outside of Lambertville, NJ. = Golden Nugget
[ 10] Hi , I have a glass stein 8″ tall 11 side pillars , 10″ around , 5 ring hing wraped handled flat lid ingraved edging silver lined insideandstamped with a looks like leepinghorse withletters aroundit . top the flat lid it is dot engraved signature , looks like ” Y.Harmonie with asitting lion u top the 5 hing flat lid . In 3 color tan,red,black lined letters it’s has ” Hans WielendI think it’s an l not sure . I can send more pictures & pay for info if you can help .
Thank you greatly, C
Hello Ms. “C” ,
Given the quality of the photos provided (poor), the best I can make of this one is that it is a .5 liter “pressed glass” German Brewery stein. Circa 1880-90. Unknown city or brewery. The name punched on the lid is that of the original owner.
Sorry, nothing more than that. Steve
[11] Hey Steve,
I am researching a stein and have found some information on it and wondered if I could get a “S-P rating ” on it from you? It is a two liter Merkelbach and Wick stein with an engraved (Anton Weber) pewter lid. The thumblift is sort of like a dolphin ( like the pictures you show as dolphins) The lid has scroll work designs topped by an acorn?
The handle is their ladder pattern. It is ivory colored with a painting of a horse and a trumpeter blowing toward a castle on a hill flanked by banners that say “Bebuf Dirb Gott rs wur lo lebon gewelen on the right and Bebul Dirb Gott rs hat nicht follenfein on the left of course I can’t put the funny dots above the u’s. I know the Gott is God the rest of it ???
On the bottom is the M&W stamp and 1717 with a 2 under it the a straight line and 691 0r 69 . I would term it in very good condition. I know M&W operated 1879-1921
Anton Weber was an artist who lived 1833 – 1909. I surmise this was his stein. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Thanks D. S.
Hello Ms. / Mr. S, Here is the story depicted on your stein, I believe, sans any photo provided by you= THE TRUMPETER OF SACKINGEN.”
The stein’s “painting” is most likely a PUG = print (transfer) under glaze, with some hand painted “touch up” to make it appear to be hand painted.
“Anton Weber was an artist who lived 1833 – 1909. I surmise this was his stein.”
If the stein were mine I would not assume that. Just as I would not assume any pair of Nile basketball shoes with the name Michael Jordan written on them would have been ownwd by “The Great One” = just way too common a name.
Merkelbach and Wick made quality steins; I would rate it (unseen of course) as S /P scale somewhere around a 4.5. Hope this helps,
[12] Hi Steve,
Can you give me any info on this glass stein I bought at auction a few weeks ago?
I found your site and you have a lid with “Katzenjammer” and your cats are in the same poses as my cats!
I’m a avid glass collector but this is my first stein. I have found very little about it but I have translated most of the german writing. One phrase on the front translated in polish? “Vivat Sequens” would that be a phrase used in Germany as well?
I was also hoping you would know about when it was made. It has a lot of wear on the bottom. I realize that may not mean age but LOTS of use.
It appears to be silver tabs holding in the glass top, and a silver piece that opens the lid. Is it safe to clean that with silver polish?
Looking forward to hearing from you, L
Cut glass lid.
silver plated lid and pewter attachment.
Body decor-1
Body decor – 2
Pressed glass base
Dear Ms. L,
Thank you for writing,
Here is what I can determine from the photos you sent = a very interesting mystery.
[1] the lid appears to be silver-plate and should clean up – please see my web page on how to clean metals and what to use.
[2] If the lid is original to the piece than it appears to have been repaired by use of the pewter strap at the bottom of the tang (and wrapped around the handle.) There was no good photo of the handle, and the attachment. I am however almost 100% certain that lid is not original to the piece.
[3] I assume, you being a glass collector, that you know the stein is of pressed glass, Circa1880 – 90 or such.
[4] Re: “Vivat Sequenns”I did verify your spelling by checking one of the photos. That phrase is also on the lid shown on my web site.
“Vivat” is Latin for “Long live ” – BUT I can find only one reference to the Latin word ‘Sequens’ on Goggle and that is “Following”: so I am assuming it means something like: Long live the following (boozing episode or good drinking times).”
Any more questions? please feel free to email me. Steve
Hi Steve,
Thank you for responding so quickly. I am sending you some pictures of the hinge. I hope the lid is original but I think you might be right. The lid is a nice piece of cut glass and set in silver plate. I don’t know if the same rules apply to steins as they would covered glass pieces, but the lid does seem a little much for a pressed glass stein with unfinished mold lines. Is that unusual?
Never the less, I like it the way it is and am looking forward to discovering the glass house that produced it.
I had no idea the world of steins was so BIG. This could take years! Thanks again for your time and by the way, your site is excellent. I’ve already added it to my favorites.
Sincerely, L
Hello L, and thanks for the compliments about my site = It is a labor of love.
Sorry to have to tell you, but that lid has definitely been added. They would either have a silver plated mounting or a full pewter one – but not a combination such as shown. And I’ve never seen a “cut” glass lid on a pressed glass stein. Once in awhile one might see a flat disc of glass (usually colored) in the pewter mounted lid on a pressed glass stein, but never anything as elaborate as yours.
Non the less, the idea behind collecting anything, as you know, is if you like it, keep it and enjoy.
Should you have any more questions feel free to email me.
[13] Dear Steve,
My wifes father recently passed away and we have come into posession of a stein that in the very least belonged to her fathers grandfather. The family carefully kept many sentimental pieces from generation to generation, from glassware and cutting boards to embroiderys and tatted pieces.
Here is the stein becomes curious. It has a dome shaped lid adorned with a circlet of acorns and trefoil leaves topped with a monogram denoting the “Mauler” lineage.
The scene is of a shoemakers shop with six figures each at a different aspect of the trade with the central and largest figure doing a little dance.
The upper rim has the name “Hermann Reisinger” The base hase the inscription “zur Silberhochzeit” (silver wedding) and the date 14.2.1884
There is a lithopane which seems identical to the “nude woman with a drape around her” as depicted on your site, in the bottom of the stein.
The base is inscribed with the Karl Rau reversed K and R, the crown much as the one you have pictured except that the “100 tahre” is arched above the crown and the “handmade” mark is directly beneath and and two lines.
The handle has the stylized blue lines although going the opposite direction shown in your photo.
The base is flared and wide, the sides are slanted, and there is a bump inside the handle.
The pewter is darker on the outside than on the inside. and the thumblift is nothing like the ones you have pictured, it is quite modest by comparison.
In trying to discover something more about it, it seems that it is an unlikely combination of elements. Can you shed any light on this piece?
Regards, T K
Hello Mr. T K, and thanks for writing me.
In trying to discover something more about it, it seems that it is an unlikely combination of elements.
I am afraid I have to disagree with your statement above. Please see:
http://www.steveonsteins.com/reservists-regimental-reproductions-1-2-1 –
– which is about Reproduction Occupational steins. The same exact stein is pictured, and like yours, bears a transplanted lid.
My guess is the original stein was broken and her Grandfather or Father bought a newer piece and substituted the older lid. Steve
[14] Identify if this stein is real or not please – I can’t seem to find any markings on this item.
I have attached photos, your opinion would be most appreciated!
Hello Dan,
The stein in the photos you sent me is a modern day reproduction. [1] The body with the relief on the base appears to have been copied from an original. [2] I have never seen that finial before!
See photo attached of the original one = seated soldier with canteen.
I still learn something every day in this hobby, so thank you for sending the photos.
########## ###############################
I (Steve) DO NOT however enjoy hearing from people are literally dumb as a rock , or “smart” asses, which was the assessment I arrived at of the people involved after I got these emails reproduced below, with the questions as shown. I am not making these up !!
[A] Subject line of the email from MM [no text was provided:] =
“Only Mark is 11 STERLING and a 50. What country?”
My answer: Not much to go on! No description of what the piece even is ! (a stein?, beaker?, roemer? thunder mug?, etc,) No photos provided, no measurements given, no where you bought it ?, no when ? no who owned it? etc, etc,
. so I give the hell up!
Maybe this is a quiz, so you tell me! Steve
[B] Subject line of the email: Reproduction or Original?
Hello Steve 0n Steins,
just wondering if you are able from the attached photos to let me know whether this stein is a repro or an original. I appreciate your time, thank you.
Kind Regards B.H. London, England
This exact reproduction stein is shown on;
It is the first stein shown! with the same body, lid and lid finial!
1 kilo “Sterling silver “German beer Mug – 925 heavy solid.

I thought you may wish to know before you get bad feedback (or get sued) the stamp on the stein says “FRIELING.” not Sterling!
The German word “Zinn” on the stamp means “Pewter”, and the 92 means it is 92% lead free.
Steve (sent with my credentials)
The reply back to me:
Dear dfcsls,
Hi Steve, its definately an ‘S’ not ‘F’ , but I did have another guy tell me he thinks it’s Pewter too.
bc Zinn means Tinn? Thanks for letting me know.
r s
My reply: Dear r s,
More “fun” = real letters on page 2 !!
( I have for over a year now placed these three short “notifications” at the bottom of each page!
Even after all the pages have these “NOTES” on them as above, and as on the top of this page!!
I still get really stupid emails such as this:
Kayserzinn 4009 stien (sic)
I have it. Is it worth anything ?
Sent from my iPad
My answer was: “Yes.”
[END – SOK – 45 – 4D]
“All I ask is a chance to prove that money can’t make me happy.”
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